Canadian Xpress® Large South American Airports Tour

South America is the world's fourth largest and fifth-most populous continent at about 17,840,000 square kilometers (6,890,000 square miles). Most of the population lives near the continent's western or eastern coasts while the interior and the far south are sparsely populated.
The Canadian Xpress® Large South American Airports Tour consists of 39 legs that must be flown in order. Criss-crossing the continent of South America, you will visit 14 different countries and fly over 23,000 nm exploring the largest airports in South America.
All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® Large South American Airports Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster. To view the current statistics for the Canadian Xpress® Large South American Airports Tour Award, click the Statistics link that is available via the Operations menu.
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