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Canadian Xpress® Pacific Northwest Tour

Few regions on Earth can match the natural beauty and splendour of the Pacific Northwest. From the rainforests of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia to the remote, isolated communities of the Aleutian Islands, there is a natural splendour everywhere you look.

Here, air travel is as essential as boats with many communities having little or no land access to the wider world. Seaplanes are a common site among the communities, and several airlines offer scheduled service to remote communities using both float and amphibious aircraft.

The Canadian Xpress® Pacific Northwest tour consists of 57 legs which must be flown in order. Starting in Salem, the state capital of Oregon, you will fly up the coast through Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska, all the way to the Aleutian Islands and the westernmost operating airport on the continent. You will have the chance to see stunning mountain landscapes, natural rainforests, fjords, and volcanoes, both extinct and active. Don?t let the scenery distract you, as the airports you will be flying to range from large international airports to ones barely more than a quarter mile of gravel.

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® Pacific Northwest Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster. To view the current statistics for the Canadian Xpress® Pacific Northwest Tour Award, click the Statistics link that is available via the Operations menu.

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