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Canadian Xpress® North America Top 30 Airports Tour

The Airports Council International (ACI) keeps track and publishes regularly the traffic numbers for most airports around the world. Ranking is either based on aircraft movements or on numbers of passengers.

The Canadian Xpress® North America Top 30 Airports Tour consists of 29 legs which must be flown in order and is based on the number of passengers. Departing from the Ronald Reagan Washington National (KDCA) which is ranked the 30th busiest airport in North America, you will fly more than 33,500 nautical miles and finish at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International (KATL) which handled more than 110 million passengers in 2019.

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® North America Top 30 Airports Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster. To view the current statistics for the Canadian Xpress® North America Top 30 Airports Tour Award, click the Statistics link that is available via the Operations menu.

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