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Canadian Xpress® Formula 1 Tour

Formula 1 is the top of all motor sports and is the only organization that holds races on all four hemispheres around the world including Montreal, Melbourne, Suzuka and Sao Paulo. Each race has 25-30 Teams with thousands of pounds of equipment that needs to be moved to these points around the world.

Canadian Xpress® has been a long time supporter of Formula 1 and this year we have won the primary contract to help move teams from race to race around the world.

The Formula 1 tour consists of 20 legs based on the Formula 1 schedule below that must be flown in order.

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® Formula 1 Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster. To view the current statistics for the Canadian Xpress® Formula 1 Tour Award, click the Statistics link that is available via the Operations menu.
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