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Canadian Xpress® USA Capitals Tour Award Statistcs

The Canadian Xpress® USA Capitals Tour consists of 50 legs that must be flown in alphabetical order from Alabama to Wyoming where you will explore the capital cities of the 50 United States of America.

The USA Capitals tour is a 50,000 nautical miles journey where you will visit airports with runways as short as 2,500 ft and legs that consist of distances as far as 3,900 nautical miles requiring you to carefully choose the aircraft you will fly and the amount of fuel to take on board.

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® USA Capitals Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster.

Click here for information and to get started on the Canadian Xpress® USA Capitals Tour.

PilotIDNameTour StatusAwarded
CXA001Marc WheelerLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA004John SousaLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA007Dave WeeseLeg 10 - Complete
CXA032Lee Van GinhovenLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA050Mark WalshLeg 28 - Complete
CXA100Joe RobertsLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA109Bill WheelerLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA136Adam KrichbaumLeg 4 - Complete
CXA151Stephen NeedhamLeg 7 - Complete
CXA179Bob VargaLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA222Brendan McCoyLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA259Ethan FortierLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA322Michel RobichaudLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA343Shane GutenbergLeg 15 - Complete
CXA346Eric DziuraLeg 20 - Complete
CXA418James MillerLeg 1 - Complete
CXA512Ben LorenczLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA522Marc-Andre LalandeLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA550Tim MurphyLeg 3 - Complete
CXA567Dean FullerLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA578Scott WallaceLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA584Darrell PodaimaLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA667Matt GaboriaultLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA673David VollantLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA796Rob MarcinekLeg 1 - Complete
CXA839Stephen PrendergastLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA911Franklin DuncanLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA924Claude JoannetteLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
CXA963Ulrich NiekampLeg 50 - Complete Received Award
*Canadian Xpress® tour statistics do not include pilots who are no longer members.

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