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Canadian Xpress®Stanley Cup Champions Tour Award Statistcs

The Los Angeles Kings have won the Stanley Cup! The Canadian Xpress® Stanley Cup Champions Tour will carry the Stanley Cup along with each Los Angeles Kings player to his hometown along with some family members & friends.

The Stanley Cup Champions Tour consists of 23 legs that must be flown in order.

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® Stanley Cup Champions Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster.

Click here for information and to get started on the Canadian Xpress® Stanley Cup Champions Tour

PilotIDNameNorth America - WestNorth America - EastEuropeSouth AmericaAwarded
CXA001Marc WheelerFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA004John SousaFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA007Dave WeeseFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA012Tim MurphyLeg 3 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA021Michael MarquardtFlight CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA050Mark WalshFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA054Claude PradierLeg 4 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA100Joe RobertsFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA179Bob VargaFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA222Brendan McCoyFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA225David SmartFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA259Ethan FortierFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA401Akeem ChesneyFlight CompleteLeg 10 - RejectedNot StartedNot Started
CXA425Andy KeeneyFlight CompleteLeg 14 - RejectedNot StartedNot Started
CXA512Ben LorenczFlight CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA522Marc-Andre LalandeFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA557Todd MalekLeg 8 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA567Dean FullerFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA574Sergio CamposLeg 1 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA667Matt GaboriaultFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA673David VollantFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight CompleteFlight Complete Received Award
CXA839Stephen PrendergastLeg 7 - RejectedNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA894Willie PretoriusFlight CompleteFlight CompleteNot StartedNot Started
CXA911Franklin DuncanLeg 1 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
CXA963Ulrich NiekampLeg 2 - CompleteNot StartedNot StartedNot Started
*Canadian Xpress® tour statistics do not include pilots who are no longer members.

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