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Canadian Xpress® Royal Canadian Air Force Tribute Tour Award Statistcs

The Canadian Xpress® Royal Canadian Air Force Tribute Tour consists of 23 legs and covers 8,240 nautical miles that must be flown in order. Starting at the most northern airport of Canada, Alert(CYLT), you will work your way towards the west coast first, then travel eastbound all the way to Newfoundland, before completing the tour in Ottawa, home of the National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ).

All Canadian Xpress® pilots that successfully complete the tour will receive 25 bonus hours as well as the Canadian Xpress® Royal Canadian Air Force Tribute Tour Award that will appear in their Pilot Details section of the Pilot Roster.

Click here for information and to get started on the Canadian Xpress® Royal Canadian Air Force Tribute Tour.

PilotIDNameTour StatusAwarded
CXA001Marc WheelerLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA004John SousaLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA021Michael MarquardtLeg 1 - Complete
CXA100Joe RobertsLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA109Bill WheelerLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA136Adam KrichbaumLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA181Robert AnselmoLeg 3 - Complete
CXA322Michel RobichaudLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA522Marc-Andre LalandeLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA567Dean FullerLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA667Matt GaboriaultLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA673David VollantLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
CXA924Claude JoannetteLeg 23 - Complete Received Award
*Canadian Xpress® tour statistics do not include pilots who are no longer members.

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