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Canadian Xpress® Monthly Fly-In Award Statistcs
The Canadian Xpress® Fly-In Award Award is awarded to all Canadian Xpress® pilots who have flown 6 of our monthly fly-in events within a 24 month period.

To view all awards that a individual pilot has earned, click the Pilots Details icon next to their name in the Pilot Roster.

Call-SignName# EventsAwarded
CXA004John Sousa170 Received Award
CXA001Marc Wheeler168 Received Award
CXA100Joe Roberts105 Received Award
CXA667Matt Gaboriault84 Received Award
CXA678Brian Smart76 Received Award
CXA007Dave Weese69 Received Award
CXA222Brendan McCoy65 Received Award
CXA557Todd Malek65 Received Award
CXA839Stephen Prendergast36 Received Award
CXA052Paul Mercier35 Received Award
CXA911Franklin Duncan32 Received Award
CXA796Rob Marcinek31 Received Award
CXA542Wayne Welch29 Received Award
CXA924Claude Joannette28 Received Award
CXA050Mark Walsh26 Received Award
CXA224JP Luiggi21 Received Award
CXA608Jim Allan15 Received Award
CXA943Ed Easterbrook13 Received Award
CXA584Darrell Podaima12 Received Award
CXA724Alain Ross12 Received Award
CXA125Brad Crockett9 Received Award
CXA346Eric Dziura9 Received Award
CXA530Ray Bansemer9 Received Award
CXA550Tim Murphy9 Received Award
CXA894Willie Pretorius8 Received Award
CXA059Daniel Louvet7 Received Award
CXA480Trevor Bagnell7 Received Award
CXA021Michael Marquardt6 Received Award
CXA054Claude Pradier6 Received Award
CXA235Jim Cardwell6 Received Award
CXA259Ethan Fortier6 Received Award
CXA401Akeem Chesney6 Received Award
CXA102Nick Austin5
CXA328Robert Versluys5
CXA136Adam Krichbaum4
CXA322Michel Robichaud4
CXA418James Miller4
CXA578Scott Wallace4
CXA109Frederick Wheeler2
CXA340John Gillis2
CXA372Sylvain Tousignant2
CXA672Adrian Williams2
CXA053Louis Simon1
CXA179Bob Varga1
CXA207Matthew Roesener1
CXA225David Smart1
CXA350Ben Harrison1
CXA519Denis Brown1
CXA574Sergio Campos1
CXA583Maksim Tiutin1
CXA673David Vollant1
*Canadian Xpress® Fly-In statistics do not include pilots who are no longer members.

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