- The collection of personally identifiable and demographic information about you that allows us to confirm your real identity.
- Receive regular e-mail bulletins notifying you of any new features, aircraft, events, contests, etc. We may use your alternate E-mail address and home address to ensure that you receive important information about your account or information you have requested.
- The bundling of information to better design our web site and to share with our partners. This aggregate information cannot be used to learn anything about any particular individual.
- In conjunction with regular contests held at Canadian Xpress®, we may disclose your personal information to our contest sponsors (if Canadian Xpress® is not the sole sponsor of the contest) responsible for awarding/delivering contest prizes. Any such disclosure is made on a confidential basis with the pilot's express consent and only the information required to award the winning prizes is disclosed.
- Publishing the full name and call-sign of any pilot who is a winner in any of our contests on (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter and other flight simulator related forms of media.
- To meet legal and regulatory requirements. For example, we may collect information in response to a court order, or to satisfy a request by Canadian Law Enforcement agencies.
- Your information may be shared among Canadian Xpress® staff to help us to better serve our pilots and to provide them with services which combine services from different parts of our organization.
- Upon account closure, we will remove all your personal data including your e-mail address and remove you from any Canadian Xpress®-owned mailing lists.
- Upon account closure, monthly challenge winners names and call-sign only, will remain published on our web site.